September Updates

Roll Ups to Move to Tuesday & Thursday.

At the recent annual meeting the proposal to move the roll ups to a Tuesday and Thursday was agreed. The committee will reschedule BRS to start from the 1st November.  The Roll Ups will be managed by the committee going forward and a designated organiser will be listed in the details of the event. Any queries should be directed to them.
The 1st tee off time for Tuesdays will be 10:00 and Thursday 12:00 . The latter moving to 13:00 as daylight dictates.
To assist in managing the block bookings for these roll ups, members are encouraged to indicate their intention to play by Registering Available for each event.  This can be done right up to a few minutes before the 1st tee off.  Of course those who don’t register are still able to turn up and take part but if would be very helpful if members can try and enter their intention to play via the event Calander.

What is a Rabbits Handicap ?

It was agreed at the annual meeting, 2022, that the Rabbits section would henceforth follow the lead set by the YRGA, HARGA and NERGA who define a Rabbit to be any male golfer, 18 yrs or older, with a Handicap index of 15 or above.
If a member falls below this lower limit during their membership year then they will become ineligible to play in all Rabbits competitions.
The exception is when the competition they have entered, has already started, for example playing in the Buck Rabbit.
Also, any subscribed member with a handicap index lower than 15, can continue to play in the Roll Up’s and, with the other party agreement, any of the interclub friendly matches.
Existing club members who fall below the index 15 can join the Rabbits as a social member, without voting rights,  and will also be eligible to play in the Roll Up’s and, with the other party agreement, any of the interclub friendly matches.

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